Episode 10
What does it mean to be an Australian national who neither identifies as White nor as a Person of Color? Listen to Rob share his stories of growing up in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia, the various forms of othering he experiences to this day, his take on what “being Australian” means, and the ways in which one may resort to racism to protect oneself.
Recommended sources:
On racism in Australia
Erwin Renaldi, Nazli Bahmani and Samuel Yang, “Muslims, Chinese Australians and Indigenous people most targeted in racist media coverage,” ABC News, November 10, 2020. [on racism and media coverage]
Luke Wong, "‘Where are you really from?’ How to navigate this question of race and identity,” ABC Everyday, Feb 2, 2020. [on exploring and addressing the question “Where are you ‘really’ from?” - although it’s specific to Australia, it can be applied to other contexts as well]
ABC News The Drum, One in three school children report experiencing racism, August 28, 2019. [discussions on first country-wide survey on racism in Australia - a video]
Neil King, “Grant: "‘The Australian Dream remains outside our grasp’,” DW News, January 31, 2016. [a speech by journalist Stan Grant on the Australian dream and racism]
Elizabeth Kath, ed., Australian-Latin American Relations (New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2016).
On racism in Australia (specifically against minorities and Indigenous Peoples)
“Australia,” World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples, June 2019. [a brief overview]
Marcel Nadim Aburakia, “Stolen Generations survivors sue Australia for compensation,” DW News, April 28, 2021. [on the Stolen Generations]
Jens Korff, “Mental health and Aboriginal people,” Creative Spirits, February 7, 2021. [recommended: to watch the first video entitled “Aboriginal mental health”]