Episode 11

What does it mean to be a Black woman of Swiss nationality? Listen to Kossiwa share her stories of growing up and becoming the first female Black officer in Zürich, and her journey in better navigating and positioning herself in different social and…

What does it mean to be a Black woman of Swiss nationality? Listen to Kossiwa share her stories of growing up and becoming the first female Black officer in Zürich, and her journey in better navigating and positioning herself in different social and professional contexts.

Transcripts of episode:

ENG / FR / DE / IT

Recommended sources:

On racism in Switzerland

Pauline Turuban, “Is racism a problem in Switzerland? A look at the latest numbers,” Swissinfo.ch, June 9, 2020. [an overview]

Swissinfo.ch, Speaking out over racism in Switzerland, June 22, 2020. [short video of interviews with People of Color in German-speaking part of Switzerland]


Kesecurix - Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Consultancy [Kossiwa’s consultancy firm - site available in ENG and DE]


Episode 12


Episode 10