Episode 09

What does it mean to be a woman and a Bolivian national? Listen to Alba (alias) share her stories of being othered during her time as a flight attendant in an international airline and as a Master student pursuing her studies in international develo…

What does it mean to be a woman and a Bolivian national? Listen to Alba (alias) share her stories of being othered during her time as a flight attendant in an international airline and as a Master student pursuing her studies in international development.

Transcripts of episode:

ENG / FR / DE / IT

Recommended sources:

On indigenous communities in Bolivia

“Bolivia,” World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples, January 2018. [a brief background]

“Bolivia,” Atlas of Humanity, 2020. [a short overview of Bolivia’s history and its people with photos]

“Indigenous Peoples in Bolivia,” International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs, 2020. [to look at first part specifically “Indigenous peoples in Bolivia”]

Alejandro F. Mercado, Lykke E. Andersen, and Beatriz Muriel H., “Discriminación Étnica En El Sistema Educativo y El Mercado de Trabajo de Bolivia,” Revista Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Económico, 2003. [a short interview with an indigenous leader who talks about the struggles of indigenous people in Bolivia - in Spanish]

On racism and ethnic discrimination in Bolivia

Mariana Sanchez, “Indigenous Bolivians Fear Renewed Racism after Morales Removed,” Aljazeera, November 25, 2019. [on racism in the current political climate]

Xavier Albó, “Ethnic Violence: The Case of Bolivia,” in The Culture of Violence, 1994, 119–41. [a useful article to understand the current situation in Bolivia]

Gabriel Romano, “Evo Morales y El Indigenismo, Una Combinación Que Busca Seguir En Bolivia,” Agencia EFE, October 3, 2019. [on Morales as an indigenous president and the inclusion of indigenous peoples in Bolivian society as well as contradictions - in Spanish]

Alejandro F. Mercado, Lykke E. Andersen, and Beatriz Muriel H., “Discriminación Étnica En El Sistema Educativo y El Mercado de Trabajo de Bolivia,” Revista Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Económico, 2003. [a study on ethnic discrimination in the Bolivian educational system and labor market - in Spanish]

On Cholitas

Eduardo Leal, “The Rise of Bolivia’s Indigenous ‘cholitas’ - in Pictures,” The Guardian, February 22, 2018. [on developments in Cholitas’ rights in pictures]

VICE, Redefining Fashion & Architecture in Bolivia: Cholitas y Cholets, 2017. [on the role of Cholitas in Bolivian society - touches upon questions around race, identity and language]

On racism aimed at Bolivian migrants abroad

“Bolivianos En Argentina Aún Sufren Discriminación, Según Defensor Del Pueblo,” LA INFORMACIÓN, March 28, 2014. [a short article on Bolivian migrants’ experiences in Argentina - in Spanish]

On racism in development sector

Kiza Magendane and Yannicke Goris, “A Hard Look in the Mirror: Reflecting on Racism and Whiteness in the Development Sector,” Broker, September 24, 2020.


Episode 10


Episode 08