Episode 52
What does it mean to be a Lebanese and Protestant man with an Armenian father? Listen to Tony (alias) share his stories of growing up as a minority during the Lebanese Civil War and how it shaped his perspective on the experiences he would make living in Denmark as an adult, as well as his understanding of "belonging".
Recommended sources:
A selection of French historian and philosopher Michel Foucault’s work on the interaction between discourse, truth and power
Michel Foucault, Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writing, 1980.
Michel Foucault, The Archeology of Knowledge, 1972.
Michel Foucault, The Order of Discourse, 1970.
“Concepts,” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, June 17, 2019. [an overview of the term “concepts” which Tony refers to at the end of the episode]
Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow, 2013. [a book on the human brain and how we think and make decisions - while rooted in behavioral economics, the principles are applicable to various issues that require us to “solve problems"]