Episode 32
What does it mean to be a Saudi Arabian man growing up in Saudi Arabia as a minority, and living in the US and Denmark? Listen to Tawfiq share his stories of being othered on the basis of his nationality and appearance in different contexts, both at the interpersonal and institutional levels.
Recommended sources:
Books on human judgments
Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow, 2013.
Max H. Bazerman and Don A. Moore, Judgment in Managerial Decision Making, 8th Edition, 2012.
On the Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Cynthia Beath, Yolande Chan, Robert M. Davison, Alan Dennis and Jan Recker, “Editorial Board Diversity at the Basket of Eight Journals: A Report to the College of Senior Scholars,” Communications of the Association for Information Systems, April 8, 2021. [on the article around equality issues Tawfiq refers to in his episode]
On Tawfiq’s work
Google Scholar: Tawfiq Alashoor | Linkedin | Snapchat [all of Tawfiq’s academic articles & professional activities]
Reda Hasan (Host). (2021-present). After chaos with Reda Hassan and Dr. Tawfiq Alashoor. Infinite Chat Podcast. [a podcast in Arabic]
Priya Keshav (Host). (2021-present). Conversation with Tawfiq Alashoor. Simplify for Success. [a podcast in English about Tawfiq’s work on individuals’ privacy decisions]