Episode 26
What does it mean to be a US-American national and of mixed race? Listen to Christian share his stories of growing up in different states in the U.S., his experiences at West Point, the oldest military academy in the U.S., and his reflections on the intersection of race and nationality.
Recommended sources:
On racism in the U.S. military academies
James Laporta, “We just feel it: Racism plagues U.S. military academies,” PBS, December 3, 2021. [an article]
On racism in Switzerland
Noemi Michel, “Sheepology: The postcolonial politics of raceless racism in Switzerland,” Postcolonial Studies, 2015. [an academic article]
On Christian’s work
Christian Pierce, “The impact of a hoodie: How multinational corporations like H&M continue the legacy of racism that killed Trayvon Martin,” Diversity & Inclusion Platform, February 25, 2022. [a short research paper]
Christian Pierce, “Karen,” Medium, July 15, 2020. [a poem - scroll down the page to find more poems Christian wrote on various topics]
Christian Pierce, “What we deal with,” Linkedin, June 9, 2020. [an article on a manifestation of racism he experienced in Brazil]
Competence Centre for Diversity & Inclusion (CCDI), University of St. Gallen, Racial and Ethnic Diversity Training. [Services Christian offers on issues around racism - check out the following 2 videos for his talks: (1) Mosaic to melting pot: Managing racial diversity and (2) Black women executives: Walking the tightrope between the boardroom and the picket line]
Robert Livingston and Nicholas Pearce, “The teddy-bear effect: Does having a baby face benefit Black chief executive officers?”, Psychological Science, April 30, 2009. [an academic article on how Black leaders with “baby faces” are seen as more warm and earn higher salaries than Black leaders with more “mature” faces]
W.E.B. Dubois, “Strivings of the Negro People,” The Atlantic, August 1897. [an essay by W.E.B Dubois - one of the most important US-American Black protest leaders in the first half of the 20th century - where he looks at the notion of “double consciousness”, the sense of looking at oneself through the eyes of others]