Episode 15
What does it mean to be a Portugese woman living in Switzerland and in the UK? Listen to Ana (alias) share her experiences of being othered and essentialized as a Southern European studying and working in Europe, and her reflections on how the Portuguese context shaped her understanding of racism.
Recommended sources:
On racism in Portugal
“Portugal must do more to confront colonial past, says Council of Europe,” The Guardian, March 24, 2021. [an overview of current discussions around racism in Portugal]
Marta Vidal, “The murder of Bruno Candé has put racism - and colonial amnesia - under the spotlight in Portugal,” September 11, 2020. [an article that explores Portugal’s lack of confronting of its colonial past]
“Racism in Portugal: a dead angle for the media?” Al Jazeera English, January 19, 2020. [a short video on the current discussions around racism in Portugal and the role of the media and press representation]
Racismo em Português. [an interactive page that shows some interviews conducted by authors who wrote the book “Racismo em Português” - interviews were conducted in former Portuguese colonies about racism and colonial history, and explores whether as a nation Portugal is grappling with this issue - in Portuguese]
France Culture Monde, “Colonisations: Mémoires Sensibles (4/4): Portugal-Angola: De l’exploitation à La Coopération,” July 1, 2021. [a podcast exploring the nuances in the post-colonial relationship and economic inequalities between Portugal and Angola and how this was almost reversed during the 2008 economic crisis in Portugal - in French]
On discrimination aimed at Portuguese people in France
Tony Cross, “Migration: the long, hard road from Portugal to France,” Radio France Internationale, December 13, 2018. [a short article and video providing an overview of Portuguese migrants to France in the 1960s and 70s]