Episode 07

What does it mean to be a woman and a Bulgarian national studying law in Germany? Listen to An-Marie share the various instances where she felt different or felt the need to be different as a young Eastern European woman studying and socializing in …

What does it mean to be a woman and a Bulgarian national studying law in Germany? Listen to An-Marie share the various instances where she felt different or felt the need to be different as a young Eastern European woman studying and socializing in a German community of a specific background.

Transcripts of episode:

ENG / FR / DE / IT

Recommended sources:

On Sinti and Roma communities

“Roma,” World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples, July 2018. [an overview]

Yuliya Shyrokonis, “EU citizenship, but no shoes: The Roma of Bulgaria,” Open Democracy, January 20, 2020. [in Bulgaria]

On racism in Germany

Christina Gossner, “Racial discrimination on the rise in Germany,” trans. Daniel Eck, Euractiv, June 10, 2020. [a brief view into existing laws on racism]

Liz Alderman, Melissa Eddy, and Amie Tsang, “Migrant farmworkers whose harvests feed Europe are blocked at borders,” The New York Times, March 31, 2020. [on Covid-19’s impact on migrant farmworkers - many from Eastern Europe - in Europe]


Tom Brook, “Hollywood stereotypes: Why are Russians the bad guys?,” BBC, November 5, 2014. [on typecasting in the media - discusses not only about Russians but also about actors of other ethnic backgrounds]

Single Step [LGBTQIA+ communities are another group that are discriminated against in Bulgaria - this link provides information regarding the current situation in Bulgaria, as well as guidance for those in need of support or interested in contributing to the cause]


Episode 08


Episode 06