Episode 03
What does it mean to be Swedish, the daughter of a North African Father and a White French Mother? Listen to Sarah (alias) share her stories of growing up in Stockholm and her struggles today in her dating life as she seeks to find someone who respects her and sees her for who she is.
Recommended sources:
On Santa Lucia, a Swedish tradition
Po Tidholm and Agneta Lilja, “Lucia,” Swedish Institute, December 16, 2020. [an overview]
MsPostColonialAfricana, “Sweden’s Santa Lucia celebrations marked by epistemic violence against children of African decent,” December 13, 2016. [controversy over tradition]
Lola Akinmade Akerström, “Watching my child experience racism in a country of contentment,” The New York Times, July 31, 2020. [article on parenting & racism in Sweden]
Thomas Hylland Eriksen, “Racism in the Nordic countries,” Nordics.info, February 11, 2019. [other articles on subjects related to racism in the Nordic countries are available here]